The Affects Of Colors On The Human Body

The color you look at, the color of the clothes you wear, the color of the foods you eat, and the color of the rooms where you sleep, eat, study, and relax all affect you physically, mentally, and spiritually. Color is high frequency energy in motion.

Each color has a specific vibration and affects human cells. That’s why red is often seen in the colors historical armies. Successful fast food companies often use orange in their branding colors. Blue is good color for bedrooms. And so on.

Think about it. When you are in green surroundings, like nature, do you find it healing? There is a reason the term “get back to nature” came about. When you see a blue ocean, does it relax and calm you? So, you know that color affects you. But have you ever wandered why? Read on to find out more about color properties and the affects they have on the human body. It gets a little technical, but once you understand the properties of different colors, and what they can do, you can put them to work in your everyday life.

In color therapy, the colors that are used are the colors of the rainbow which emanate from the “white” sunlight: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. So, that’s what I will cover. Each color has a property of its own and can stimulate or depress living cells.

The primary colors are red, yellow and blue. Red corresponds with physical life force. Yellow corresponds with mental life force. Blue corresponds with spiritual life force. Combinations of these colors exhibit properties of the primary colors that create them.


Red affects the circulation and is therefore believed to enhance physical force, strength, boldness, courage, warfare, sports, power and sexuality.

The positive aspect of red is that it is stimulating, energizes vitality, healing, and can strengthen will-power.

The negative affects of red is that it can be over-stimulating, primitive, wild, lustful, sexual, and maniacal.

The healing aspects of red is that it can stimulate circulation, increase Hemoglobin, raise body temperature, can affect a positive change in the groin area, and is excellent for correcting sexual dysfunctions (the gonads are stimulated by red-think red light district).


The color orange is a combination of red (physical) and yellow (mental). Orange is thought to be the color of wisdom and is often used by yogis and gurus as the color of their garments.

The positive aspects of orange are that it stimulates energies, reduces depression, is joyful, and brings together physical and mental harmony.

The negative aspects of orange are that it can be overstimulating and should be used in balance.

The healing aspects of orange affects the lower torso organs of the body (spleen, pancreas, stomach, kidneys) and therefore alleviates gastro-intestinal problems and helps improve poor assimilation of food. Orange also help heal gout, rheumatic aches, inflamed joints, bronchitis, asthma and coughs. Orange can help strengthen the mind and alleviate emotional paralysis.


The color yellow is a primary color and is considered to be the color of wisdom, knowledge, and intelligence.

The positive aspect of yellow is that it enhances inspiration and stimulates a higher mentality.

The negative aspect of yellow is that it can function as a laxative.

The healing aspect of yellow is that it helps to stimulate the functions of the stomach, thereby normalizing constipation and diarrhea. The color yellow also aids in healing the intestines, liver, and pancreas, thereby alleviating eczema, skin abrasions, and other skin conditions.

The color yellow is associated the Solar Plexus (more later on color absorption in specific body areas). Therefore, also helps adrenals, which can help with stress management.


Green is a combination of yellow (mental) and blue (spiritual). The color green is considered the color of healing, cellular activity, and is sedative and calming.

The positive aspect of green is that it brings balance by calming the sympathetic nervous system.

The negative aspect of green is that it could stimulate malignant growths or tumors.

The healing aspects of green are that it can regenerate the sympathetic nervous system and re-energize the heart, thereby helping to heal cardiac conditions. The color green can help normalize blood pressure, ulcers neuralgia, influenza, neurosis, exhaustion, fatigue, and can help one to control their temper. The color green also stimulates the Thymus gland.


The color blue is a primary color and is a spiritually relaxing color that may induce sleep. Blue is a good color for bedrooms.

The positive aspects of blue are that it is germicidal, antiseptic, astringent, and can help stop bleeding.

The negative aspect of blue is that it is cold.

The healing aspects of blue are that it helps reduce fevers and high blood pressure. It can also help stop vomiting, headaches, acute rheumatism, hysteria, and insomnia. The color blue can also correct throat troubles. Try wearing a blue scarf when you have throat problems and see what it does for you.


Indigo is a combination of blue (spiritual) and violet (metaphysical). Indigo is a purifier, astringent, and is cooling.

The positive aspects of indigo are that it inspires and helps broaden the mind, and frees it from fears and inhibitions. Indigo has a powerful affect on serious mental complaints such as obsessions and other forms of psychosis.

The negative aspects of indigo are that it can be depressing and cold.

The healing aspects of indigo are that it stimulates the Pineal gland and influences the eyes, ears, and nose. Indigo can assist in the recovery from facial paralysis and helps stop bleeding.


Violet is a primary color and is said to be the highest vibration of all colors. Violet is linked with the Pituitary gland, which is the center of intuitive and spiritual understanding. 

The positive aspect of violet is that it is soothing and tranquilizing.

The negative aspect of violet is that it is depressing and cold.

The healing aspect of violet is that it is neutralizing on all forms of neurosis and neurotic manifestations. Violet is useful in healing all mental and nervous disorders. Violet is also helpful in concussions, tumors, and cerebrospinal meningitis.

Now that you know the properties of the different colors, let’s talk about where they are best absorbed in the body. The area affiliations can also be used to help you determine what are the best colors to use for yourself, when faced with problems from different parts of the body. Try altering the color of clothing or your surroundings to affect change.

That being said, the colors enter the body at different points and affect the body in different areas.

Red: Groin area

Orange: Lower stomach area

Yellow: Upper stomach area

Green Chest area

Blue: Neck area

Indigo: Nose to top of forehead

Violet: Top of head to hairline

You ever wonder where the colors associated with chakras come from? Well there you have it: Red-Root, Orange-Sacral, Yellow-Solar Plexus, Green-Heart, Blue-Throat, Indigo-Brow, Violet-Crown.

So, the next time you are not feeling your best, try adding a little color to your life.


For informational purposes only. Not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or ailment.


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