Candida albicans

Candida And Chronic System Issues

Everyone has heard of candida, whether by name or symptom, such as yeast infection, but what is candida, and how does it affect us and make us sick?

What is it?

Candida is a short name for the yeast organism Candida albicans. Technically speaking, candida is a fungus that thrives in warm-blooded animals. When the immune system is compromised and when nutrition is below standard, candida can take hold, overgrow and cause a host of symptoms.

There are approximately nine hundred species of yeast in existence, but candida is the one that affects humans. Similar to the type of yeast used to make bread, candida is an oval-shaped microorganism that can reproduce rapidly. However, candida cannot thrive by itself, and almost everyone has intestinal candida colonies. It is one of the many organisms that thrive in our intestinal flora. Under normal conditions, the yeast live in harmony with us through a very delicate balance of various types of gut bacteria. A yeast infection occurs when conditions allows and encourages it growth.

Yeast is prone to grow in specific areas of the body where the climate is moist and favorable, such as vagina, mouth and gastrointestinal tract. It usually thrives in these areas. The vagina, however, is particularly ideal for the proliferation of yeast if the biochemical balance is not maintained, preventing overgrowth.

The human body is a host for billions of microorganisms that must compete for nourishment, When our systems are healthy and properly maintained, these life forms live in a harmonious balance, with no single microorganism dominating the others. This biological balance, though, can be easily tipped under certain conditions. Developing a yeast infection can be the first sign that we are not in good health.

How does candida make us sick?

Candida has become increasingly more common and widespread over the years. It has also become more resistant to conventional medical treatments. As candida multiplies, it releases toxins into the bloodstream and causes numerous symptoms, illnesses and chemical reactions in the body that can produce false estrogen, reducing natural estrogen product because the body thinks it has enough.

Toxins produced by candida also deceive the body into thinking it has more than enough thyroxine, a thyroid hormone, which can cause menstrual irregularities and hypothyroidism.

Other symptoms caused by candida include, but not limited to, constipation, abdominal upset, colitis, bad breath, mood swings, memory loss, indigestion, depression and extreme fatigue.

Chronic conditions caused, or exacerbated by candida

The Liver

Among many other tasks, the liver is responsible for filtering the blood. When overloaded, it is difficult for the liver to eliminate the yeast growth. Periodic cleansing of the liver is essential to controlling overgrowth and maintaining liver function. When the liver is impaired, it cannot filter all of the toxins we intake, and are exposed to, each day, leading to excess toxicity, weight issues, digestion issues and more. 

To naturally cleanse the liver and bowels, you should stick to a diet rich in vegetables and whole grains. Avoid peanuts, as they carry the potentially dangerous mold aflatoxin. Garlic has anti-fungal properties. So eat up. Herbs that are great for cleansing the liver are milk thistle, red clover, dandelion, burdock and parsley.


Allergic reactions occur when toxins or undigested food are allowed to enter the bloodstream. An inflamed intestine created by candida allows toxins to enter the bloodstream and triggers the immune system. That’s why allergies are often described as an immune response. Allergies can cause learning disorders, behavioral problems and more in children. They can cause digestive distress in adults. What you eat, or feed your children, can encourage the overgrowth of candida, such as sugar, refined grains and even too much fruit juice. So it’s best to limit intake of those substances for best health.

Immune System

In addition to the previously mentioned, candida also weakens the immune system. It produces  illness symptoms, creates pain, fatigue and mental anguish. This is aggravated by overuse of antibiotics. Even if you do not take antibiotics regularly, antibiotics are often given to animals in their feed. So there is a constant supply of them in our food.

The immune system is essential for staying healthy and destroying invaders such as germs that cause infection, bacterias and viruses, abnormal and damaged cells. Antibiotics affect our immune system by killing not only the bad, but also the good flora we need to keep everything in balance. Cortisone, prednisone, proton-pump inhibitors and even birth control pills can also affect our immune system. So, keep that in mind, too.

To keep candida at bay, focus on building your immune system. Nutrients such as vitamins A, C, E, selenium, zinc, astragalus, myrrh gum and pau d’arco are excellent for boosting immunity.

Additionally, acidophilus helps to speed intestinal recovery from antibiotics. If you have to take antibiotics, which destroy the intestinal flora responsible for proper digestion and the absorption of important vitamins and minerals, make sure to add some acidophilus to help you recover. Acidophilus is available in capsule form and naturally in some cultured foods like yogurt and kefir.

Additional facts about Candida:

  • Being irritated by perfume and strong odors is a strong indication of candidiasis.
  • Chlorine in drinking water can destroy friendly bacteria allowing candida to take over.
  • Candida can move to different parts of the body and cause immune system depression.
  • Since the immune system is connected to the nervous system, candida can also invade the nervous system and cause irritability, nervousness, headaches and other nervous system disorders.

If you suspect you you suffer from an overgrowth of candida or candidiasis, you should take appropriate steps to guard your health.


For informational purposes only. Not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or ailment.


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